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This page contains blog entries on different aspects of Salesforce and Web technologies I have learnt and wish to share.

I have been working on a new website administration framework which should mean making custom website content editable by users much simpler.

I recently discovered a bug in my Salesforce "On Click" Javascript where Integer values were coming back with commas to seperate the thousands.

In this entry I discuss the problems when working with Salesforce APEX triggers with complex SOQL. I then present a possible solution to this by building efficient SOQL queries which work on batch triggers.

I finally got around to creating a new website for me to showcase my work and share my learning experiences on. The update was long overdue since the old site was starting to look stale.

Featured Blog Entries

Website Admin Framework

I have been working on a new website administration framework which should mean making custom website content editable by users much simpler.

Integers and Commas

I recently discovered a bug in my Salesforce "On Click" Javascript where Integer values were coming back with commas to seperate the thousands.

Efficient APEX Triggers when using SOQL

In this entry I discuss the problems when working with Salesforce APEX triggers with complex SOQL. I then present a possible solution to this by building efficient SOQL queries which work on batch triggers.